Hama Bergizi Grasshopper [Belalang]

Walang (Java) are herbivores of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera, the kind that one might some people beg to odd and even disgusted, but announcing the RDA would be in the Body Grasshopper.
The results Sutrisno Koswara, lecturer Food Technology and Nutrition Institute Bogor Agricultural, said protein content of locusts cooking ranges 40-60% per gram. Medium scientific study reported by experts food Kusmaryani( 2005) mention protein content of locusts wood can reach 62, 2% each 100 gram.
This figure is quite high compared to the number of protein contained in the protein foods such as fresh shrimp( 21%), beef( 18, 8%), chicken meat( 18, 2%), chicken eggs( 12, 8%), and fresh milk cows that only( 3, 2%) protein content. So how gan..  Want to try it????
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